Year 2018 Tourism Province Bali has the target of visits of foreign tourists reached 6, 5juta tourists, this figure is derived from the number of foreign tourists to visit Bali 2017 of 5.69 million. According to the tourism agency visit of foreign tourists and as many as 528,512 people during may 2018. The number of visits this rose by 2.27 percent compared with April 2018. Tourism Office of Bali is very optimistic that the target of visits of foreign tourists to Bali would be appropriate targer 6, 5juta people at the end of the year saw a trend rise in foreign tourist visits from month to month. 
For the visit of foreign tourists are still mostly via the air entering through Bandar I Gusti Ngurah Rai. There is indeed a by sea and that number could still be classified as minor only 32,189 people through sea ports on cruise ships. Moreover, Bali currently has two pelabuh classy International Yacht Harbor Celukan Bawang and Benoa Harbour. In addition to the level of the residential hotels (TPK) starred in the tourist destination of Bali reach 67.55 percent in may 2018, or 4.02 percent rise compared with the previous month that recorded 63.53 percent. According to the head of the statistical distribution of the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) of the province of Bali I Nyoman Gede Subadri TPK still dominated in the region of highest and lowest in the regions of Buleleng. "TPK highest occurred in Badung Regency of 71.44 per cent and lowest in Buleleng Regency 46.59 percent only," said the head of the statistical distribution of the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) of the province of Bali I Nyoman Gede Subadri in Denpasar on Tuesday (10/7/2018), reported by Antara. Figure 6.5 million foreign tourists indeed assessed target will be achieved if no problems such as natural disasters and other causes. A few months is indeed Mount Agung being erupts, it was made I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport was closed to flights and flight schedules were briefly disrupted. If the State got worse possible travel warning will be put in place by other countries to visit his country visiting tourists in Bali.